Four Reasons You Should Have a Will

Having a will is one of the most important things you can do for your family. There are many do-it-yourself options available, but a professional can help to make sure that your wishes are respected and your loved ones taken care of. If you have been putting off getting a will, consider the following four reasons why you should have one and get started today.
- You choose how your assets are distributed. You’ve worked your whole life to build up what will be known as your estate. It’s only right that you choose how your assets are distributed after you’ve gone. You can leave inheritances to your spouse, children, and other family members and friends as you see fit. You may also opt to leave part of your estate to charity.
- You decide who will become guardian of your children. If you have children under the age of 18, you can choose a guardian in your will. If the child’s other parent is no longer alive, or if they die at the same time you do, this guardian will become legally responsible for your kids. This choice is deeply personal, and should not be made by the state.
- You choose the executor. An executor will be named in your will. This person takes the responsibility of settling your affairs and making sure your wishes are carried out. You should take the opportunity to choose someone you trust to do the job right.
- You make things easier for your loved ones. The last thing any of us want is to be a burden on our loved ones. Clearly stating your wishes while you still can prevents squabbling and legal battles when you’re gone. Having a will also makes the probate process, a necessary step that all estates must pass through, go much quicker.
If you or a loved one is in need of a will or other estate planning services, call our office to schedule an appointment.