Preparation Makes Fire Aftermath a Little Easier
A home fire is an absolute disaster for any family. Even if everyone is lucky enough to escape without injury, a fire can consume a house and everything in it, leaving the victims without shelter, clothes, prized possessions, and family heirlooms. The prospect of starting over with nothing can be overwhelming.
Four Reasons You Should Have a Will
Having a will is one of the most important things you can do for your family. There are many do-it-yourself options available, but a professional can help to make sure that your wishes are respected and your loved ones taken care of.
Someone is Watching You – Service Workers Protected Under Labor Laws
It’s not paranoia if there really is someone watching you. If you are involved in a workers’ compensation or a personal injury case involving an insurance company, they really might be watching.
Activity Trackers in the Courtroom
One of the new wearable gadgets gaining in popularity is the Fitbit tracker. It’s a wristwatch-like device that tracks the physical activity of whomever is wearing it. It tracks activity, exercise, food, weight, and sleep to help the wearer reach their fitness goals. Soon, it may be helping to win or lose cases in the courtroom as well.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
Commercial trucks, like big rigs and delivery vehicles, are a common sight on our roadways. While commercial truck drivers must meet certain standards to get behind the wheel and are generally more careful on the road than the average automobile driver, accidents still happen with unfortunate frequency.
Protect yourself from Credit Card Fraud
Credit cards are a staple of modern life. Most of us have at least one credit or debit card. Unfortunately, it has become clear that every day we are becoming more vulnerable to credit card fraud and theft.
Elder Abuse the Warning Signs
When the time comes for our aging loved ones to move into a nursing home or assisted living facility, we are faced with the difficult task of finding just the right place. We speak with neighbors and friends, ask for professional recommendations, and tour the different facilities. Even after the most careful search, unforeseen problems can arise.
Workers Compensation: When do you Need an Attorney
Workers’ compensation claims are rarely simple. Knowing when you can handle a claim on your own and when you need representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
10 Tips for Staying Safe on a Bicycle
Riding a bicycle is a healthy, environmentally-friendly, and just plain fun way to get around. The road, however, can be a dangerous place. When sharing the road with cars, trucks, buses, and pedestrians, it is important to be mindful of safety so you can get all the benefits of biking while minimizing the risks of an accident.
What to Bring to an Initial Consultation
When someone comes to our office for an initial consultation, we want to do everything we can to help determine what his or her best course of action is. To do this, we need information. The items on the following list will help us determine whether or not there is a case, how strong it is, and what sort of costs will be involved in pursuing it.
One Third of Fatal Accidents Caused by Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving is a serious problem on our roadways. To help you stay safe on your daily commute, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has provided the following information.
Safe Driving in Slippery Conditions
Safe driving is important throughout the year, but during the winter months special consideration is needed to stay safe on the roads. When the snow and ice come, the road becomes a slippery, slushy mess. A good driver will make adjustments in order to keep safe.
Bankruptcy Basics: Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13
None of us want to declare bankruptcy, but sometimes debts pile up and it is the best option we have to get our lives back in order. Generally, individuals declaring bankruptcy will choose either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Each of these types of bankruptcy have advantages and disadvantages.
Drowsy Driving, Stay Awake to Arrive Safe
You have heard about distracted driving, but drowsy driving? Falling asleep at the wheel is a much more common problem than most people realize.
Is it time to Write a Will?
Most of us don’t like thinking about our own mortality, but taking the time to write a will makes sure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It also makes things easier for your loved ones when your time comes. If we accept that it is important for everyone to have a will then the next thing we should figure out is when is the right time to write it.
Keep your Kids Safe Online
Much of modern life takes place online, so it’s become increasingly important to make sure our children are kept safe while they learn to navigate the virtual world. Luckily, a few common sense tips can make things much safer.
What is CTE?
You may have seen the term CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) recently. Maybe it was in a news article about football players or maybe in the movie Concussion, starring Will Smith. CTE has been getting more attention lately as evidence mounts that the condition is more of a problem than anyone ever knew.
Pros and Cons of DIY Estate Planning
Everyone should have arrangements made for what happens with their estate upon their death. It is probably good enough for some people to go the do-it-yourself (DIY) route with estate planning and use a web-based product. For others (most), hiring an experienced attorney is the smart choice. If you can’t decide if DIY is the right choice for you, weigh the following pros and cons as you come to your decision.